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Do As I Say

On May 14, 1970, Mitch Daniels, now the governor of Indiana and a GOP presidential hopeful in 2012 and 2016, then a student at Princeton University, was arrested, along with two roommates, for having enough marijuana in his dorm room…

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Tasers Kill

The Braidwood Inquiry report is a pretty damning document for Taser International. The inquiry began after Polish Immigrant Robert Dzienkanski died on October 14, 2007, at the age of 40, after being Tasered five times by four RCMP officers in…

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Setting a Minimum Standard

Judges, cops, even a high school principal, are nice, reasonably educated folks who are given power over others and entrusted to use it with a modicum of intelligence, thought and discretion. They aren't expected to be perfect. Not even pretty…

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